
Travelling through UK airports with liquids

Taking liquids through security
There are restrictions on the amount of liquids you can take in your hand luggage. If possible, pack liquids in your hold baggage (luggage that you check in).
If you do take liquids in your hand luggage then:
·         containers must hold no more than 100ml
·         containers should be in a single, transparent, resealable plastic bag, which holds no more than a litre and measures approximately 20cm x 20cm
·         contents must fit comfortably inside the bag so it can be sealed

Wimbeldon, Holidays and Royal Mail

Wimbledon begins today and for the next two weeks our television news will no doubt be reporting on the "who is who" in lawn tennis, however for me Wimbledon also signified the beginning of our Wakes holidays. The Wakes holiday lasted just for one week but for the whole of that time our small town practically shut down whilst everyone took the opportunity to have time off work and go on holiday.

Expats meet in Sydney

Beautiful,magnificent, efficiently serviced:Sydney is lifestyle personified.

Expats from the UK and other areas of the world are growing in numbers as the City of Sydney continues to develop and amass expertise to thrive as one of the worlds finest Commercial and Industrious cities.

PAMS goes global part 2!

Arrival in Perth after seventeen years since my last visit saw that the City had changed with its business culture development encouraging thriving commerce and banking professionals alike.

The City contains fabulous contemporary works of art which tells its history in tangible form.

PAMS goes global

Travelling to meet up with Expats in Perth W.A began with a flight from the U.K with Emirates.

During the flight I listened to Emirate Airlines President: Tim Clark, annnouncing that the fleet products of 777 and 380's are growing and upgrading..this news w also included details of the advancement towards allowing passengers greater facilities to communicate with the ground whilst in the air. The new facilities will include data transfer capabilities and internet access direct form your own flight seat.

Royal Mail encounter mad dogs

Today both Manchester Evening News and BBC Radio Manchester are running articles on the Royal Mail and their refusal to deliver to houses where people have dogs. A great deal of empathy is to be given to the post man who has to endure the daily trial of delivering the daily mail to its customers but similarly a good number of people who don't have dogs are being affected by the Royal Mails' decision to hold back.


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