PAMS goes global

Travelling to meet up with Expats in Perth W.A began with a flight from the U.K with Emirates.

During the flight I listened to Emirate Airlines President: Tim Clark, annnouncing that the fleet products of 777 and 380's are growing and upgrading..this news w also included details of the advancement towards allowing passengers greater facilities to communicate with the ground whilst in the air. The new facilities will include data transfer capabilities and internet access direct form your own flight seat.

This is tremendous advancement for all regular and non regular travellers and with Emirates joining forces with Quantas: that means that half the world will have fluid ground interaction during flights with these Airlines.

For PAMS clients: it also means that the data transfer required to view postal mail on portable devices such as laptops, ipads and mobiles can now be seen in flight: in the air. The new meaning to Air Mail!

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