
A tip for how to use Twitter to increase your business publicity
Recently, PAMS twitter account has had lots of new followers, which is great, keep up the support! A lot of our new followers are new, small business, just starting out on twitter, so we’ve decided to try and help you! Using the internet to promote your business is an extremely new, and most of the time: free way to gain customers. Follow these tips and you should be on your way in no time!
The first tip we can give you is to make your twitter account exciting! No one wants to follow a boring tweeter, and this excitement makes people far more interested in your page. Make sure that your brand name, and image is clear at all times, just to remind people. Your Twitter account will soon bloom!
The second tip is setting a goal. A company or business must have a clear idea of what they want to achieve from Twitter. Try not to promote yourself as much, but rather let your content promote for you. Potential customers are put off by any slight shows of arrogance from businesses.
Tip three, try and retweet interesting and unique posts from other twitter accounts. Often, these retweets are seen by people and get you noticed for the right reasons! Remember, drawing people to your page is what you ideally want, and re-tweeting, or favouring other posts gains you publicity.
Of course promote yourself, but don’t be too obvious and forceful with it, have a mix of retweets and personal posts.
We thank you for following our twitter account at @PAMServices, try our steps and see the success for yourself!

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