mail scanning

Digital mail

Ever thought about digitising your physical mail? Well that is exactly what our mail scanning service does for you. We can make your physical mail available at anytime , anywhere on the web or via your mobile phone: and it is all very secure.
Home communication; it is an essential part of our every day domestic life but how can we manage everything if we are working away from home a lot or maintaining long stressful days at the office and not getting home until late?

Probate Solicitors – Give your clients peace of mind and make your job easier with PAMS mail scanning service.

Probate Solicitors are often left with the task of managing and sorting the post of their deceased clients. Traditional mail forwarding results in probate solicitors going through mounds of mail (and junk mail) which often has no relevance to managing and closing the affairs of the deceased. In addition, probate solicitors will often require their administrative teams to scan the post into an electronic file. PAMS mail scanning service takes the strain out this providing an efficient, organised and secure service.

How can PAMS help probate solicitors?

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