International Mail Forwarding

New Year Resolutions

Looking forward to 2014? If one of your New Year resolutions is to go out and see the world then please do consider PA Mailing Services. Our mail scanning service enables you to receive your post at any time of day or night wherever you may be in the world. Rather than by attaching a scanned copy of your post we at PA Mailing Services use a secure portal through your mail will be deleivered to you safely and securely.

PAMS The Truly International Mail Forwarding Service

For many years mail forwarding services have used the traditional format of forwarding your mail to your new location. Although it was simple and effective (to an extent) it’s not keeping with today’s fast paced, instant access world. The world has become smaller with advancements in technology and travel, people want their mail now! This is why PAMS introduce to you, mail scanning. Mail scanning enables you to access your mail anywhere in the world, with internet access.

Mail scanning has no borders

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